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Spotlight on... Adesewa Adebisi #BHMwithBWiS19


British Nigerian

Education and career

Biochemistry (BSc) University of Huddersfield, Graduated July 2019

I would say my scientific career is currently at its beginning stages. Having recently completed a degree in biochemistry (which I absolutely loved! ), my final year project was on neuroblastoma cells. That was my first real experience in research and it definitely sparked an interest in wanting to develop my knowledge deeper in research.

I am interested in cancer research and immunotherapy.

What are your career goals?

I guess my short term goals right now is to start and complete my masters and also a PhD in a research area focused in cancer research .

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your career

During my final year project, everything that could go wrong literally went wrong! My lab skills were not the best and the cells I had grown were dying and resurrecting constantly. Of course, I felt a lot of frustration and disappointment but it gave me a real insight into what a world of research would look like. Outside the labs and from what I was taught in lectures, I was only ever exposed to the final results of experiments that had gone well (I guess they were the only ones good enough to be reported) but I didn’t really get a grasp of what it was like to repeat and repeat experiment constantly trying to improve your results or in essence figure out what exactly may or may not be going wrong. These things definitely build resilience!

Is/Are there individual(s)/organisations that have particularly impacted where you are today?

Twitter! In a weird way, this was the first place I was introduced to other black scientists. I remember in my final year, thinking about my career, I had to reach out to Twitter to see if there were other scientists and how they got to where they were and what struggles did they face as I did not have anyone I personally knew of.

Outside of your scientific career, what are your interests, hobbies and aims?

I love playing basketball, reading and I run a small hairdressing business too. I am also interested in Higher Education and policies that affect black students

Why did you join the Black Women in Science Network?

To learn and meet more black female scientists.

What advice would you give to other black women in science?

You are so needed and valued! Your visibility as a black woman in science inspires people, don’t dim your light for anyone but let your light shine.

Keep in touch with me @aeadebisi.


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